‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

From Pesca España we want to break down the barriers that arise when buying and consuming fish in our homes, with the help of the greatest experts in the field:

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

The fishmonger

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

The lady in

front of you

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

The cook passing by

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

The fisherman

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

Everyone at the fish market

To that end, we would like to propose a deal:

We’ll answer all your questions when it comes to buying, preserving, preparing, cooking, and eating fish.

Have you ever experienced that...?

Immerse yourself in the stories (based on real events) to feel understood, accompanied and, above all, to lose the fear of asking questions. You have a lot more fish and seafood experts around you than you think!

Share the campaign!
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

A very fishy father

Berta’s father

knows he wants to make a fish for his daughter but doesn’t know how to prepare it.

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

Hooked on networks

Luisa wants to try that delicious dish she saw on her Instagram, but what was it? Where does it come from? Is it sustainable fishing?

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

Fish for Christmas

Manuela passes by a fish market and thinks that maybe this year she could do something different fot Christmas. But what?

I like fish,

That’s what we find, “buts”, excuses, but the reality is that 94% of Spaniards say they like fish. So why do just 23% include it in their diet on a regular basis?

The great variety of seafood products and all the possible ways of cooking them generates many doubts.

This means that sometimes, even if we feel like it and we know we want it, we resort to other simpler foods that we have under control.

Pesca España wants to encourage you to discover all the possibilities – tasty, nutritious, safe and sustainable – that the sea offers as a true source of happiness. Because when the doubts disappear, all the reasons and motives for taking fish reappear: the sensory, the healthy, the traditional…

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

Benefits of consuming fish and seafood

Consuming seafood products is synonymous with health. In addition, it brings endorphins and serotonin to the brain; that is why we say that it is a natural source of happiness.

The Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) recommends the consumption of 3 to 4 servings of fish per week for its beneficial effects on health: it strengthens the immune system and bones, nourishes and strengthens muscles, takes care for the heart, generates serotonin (the hormone of happiness)…

The nutritional properties of fish and seafood are numerous:

    • high content of proteins of high biological value
    • low caloric value
    • source of minerals: calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, potassium…
    • a source of vitamins A, B, D and E
    • supply of healthy fats, such as Omega-3 acids

Hello, I wanted to...

Okay, I’ll take it, but… what and how do I order it? There are times when you are sure about your favorite fish, but other times you want to innovate and try what you have seen in that recipe on the Internet and, of course, the conversation with the fishmonger changes.

We share with you a small guide with indications or questions that you can (and should) ask the expert. They will be happy to answer and help you!

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

1. Choosing the species

  • Name the fish or seafood you have in mind (E.g.: hake, tuna, sea bream, shrimps, etc.)
  • Or what you want it for how you had thought to prepare it (E.g.: I want to make a ceviche, a grilled fish, battered fish, etc.)

2. Preparing it to your specifications

  • The type of cut you need (E.g.: whole, open, sliced, fileted cubed, etc.)
  • How clean you want it (E.g.100% clean, leaving the skin, without fish bones or taking the head to make a good fumet)
  • Confirm that the quantities are correct (E.g. calculate how many of you are or how many days you want to cook it for)

3. How to preserve it at home

  • When you are going to cook it (E.g.: as soon as you get home, during the week or the month, etc.)
  • When and how you are going to consume it (E.g.: how long it will last in the fridge raw or cooked, if it can be frozen, how to defrost it, etc.)

4. Enjoying it to the fullest

  • Enjoy the cooking (E.g.: with music, in company, with your favorite drink, etc.)
  • Write down the key points of the recipe or how you prepared it (E.g.: that ingredient you added, the garnish, timing, etc.)
  • Take a picture and show off the dish (either with family and friends or on social networks, they will surely ask you for the recipe)
  • Tell the fishmonger what went well or where you think you messed up (it will get better and better every time!)

Tips and tricks
for dealing with fish

‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

What to eat and when to eat it

  • Fresh, seasonal or frozen fish and seafood. There are no excuses to enjoy the quality and nutritional properties of seafood all year round.
  • The importance of origin – Whether we go to the fish market, as if we taste it in a restaurant, we can ask for the label, the ‘ID’ of the fish we are going to eat. The label must show the scientific and commercial name of the species, the production method — whether wild or aquaculture —, the fishing gear used to catch it, the are where it was caught and even whether it is frozen fish.
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

How to avoid bad smells

  • If you are going to store it in the refrigerator, do so in an airtight glass container. It will help you to preserve it and you will not lose even half a drop of its juice.
  • Both for containers, utensils and hands, wash them well with soap and water, and finish with a touch of lemon or apple cider vinegar. It will help you eliminate any remaining odor.
  • Take the opportunity to take out the garbage after cooking and don’t forget to separate waste and recycle!
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

How to defrost it

  • Confirm with your fishmonger if the fish you are taking with you has been previously frozen and if you can refreeze it when you get home. If you cook it, you can!
  • Defrost fish by taking it out the day before and putting it in the refrigerator. It is important not to subject the food to sudden changes in temperature, so we recommend that you forget about the microwave or immerse it in hot water to speed up the process.
‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

How to cook it

  • Respeta los tiempos de cocinado y la temperatura recomendada de las recetas para disfrutar de un alimento jugoso, sabroso y en su punto.
  • Comparte momentos en familia aprendiendo a cocinar los platos más tradicionales y que invitan a repetir una y otra vez. ¡No perdamos las tradiciones!

More doubts? We will listen to you

Because there can be as many questions as there are fish in the sea. Share with us that doubt that is always on your mind and you can’t solve, and we will give you an answer directly or through social networks. Who knows, surely your consultation can help many other people!

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    ‘Take Away Fish’ campaign‘Take Away Fish’ campaign‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

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    Responsible for data processing: Association of Producers’ Organizations PESCA ESPAÑA
    Purpose: Sending information and query management.
    Legitimation: Consent of the data subject
    Addressee: contacto@pescaespana.org
    Rights: Access, rectification, limitation and suppression as well as other rights reflected in the Privacy Policy.

    Association of Producers’ Organizations PESCA ESPAÑA

    C./ Núñez de Balboa, 49, 3º Izquierda
    28001, Madrid
    Tfn: 914323489

    ‘Take Away Fish’ campaign

    I want to share the campaign!

    Have you identified with our main characters in the fish market?

    Do you want to share everything you have learned?

    Do you love fish and seafood and want to encourage others to buy and cook it?

    ‘Take Away Fish’ campaign